The story of failures in automatic text adventure testing

Testing a text adventure game is very important. There are many types of testing that needs to be done, and most of it has to be done by hand. I tried automating some testing and also blogged about automatically testing adventure games before. Now it is time to share some examples where automatic testing goes … More The story of failures in automatic text adventure testing

When the text adventure simulation becomes alive (or when engine becomes smarter than you)

In software development I always find the following situation one of the most satisfying moments: When the actual result of code is not what I expected, however, on closer examination I find that my expectation was wrong: the code actually works better than what I imagined. It produces the right result even though I did … More When the text adventure simulation becomes alive (or when engine becomes smarter than you)

Bradford Mansion

I created a classic parser based text adventure game called Bradford Mansion, and entered it into the 2019 Interactive Fiction competition. You can go over there and play it right now (as I write this, judging is about to begin). To download the game, visit the game on the IFCOMP 2019 site.Visit the IFDB entry … More Bradford Mansion